True To The Game
“A dirty job” — As he wiped away the slimy yellow goo from his fingers, all John Hines (above) could say was “yuck, nacho cheese.” Such are the risks when it is your turn to clean out the trash from the bleachers following a home basketball game at Lyle Patterson Gymnasium. The boys and girls basketball teams switch off on concessions and clean up duty depending on which team is playing that night. Last Thursday night it was the boys basketball teams’ turn. Stephan Griss, a sophomore and guard on the JV team, said he doesn’t mind the job, especially
since the bleacher sweepers get to use electric leaf blowers to speed up the task. “It’s not bad actually, the leaf blowers make it a lot easier, definitely,” he said. Hines said that using the blowers is great as you don’t have to touch the trash. That is, until you get to the end of the bleachers, where some stuff can get caught on it’s way to the floor below — and where he encountered his cheesy nemesis.

Damian Mulinix, Observer photojournalist
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